Who am I?

…fair warning…I’ve always been more than a little “wordy”…

My first blog was my best friend as I navigated my way through my divorce.  Finally, around the time that my divorce was final I realized it was time to shut it down.  It had turned into a place for me to bitch and whine and do nothing more than that.  I needed to move on to a more positive place in my life.

A few months later I started a new blog with the intent of documenting the experience of starting over.  I think, though, that after the divorce was final I just needed some time to chill and do nothing.  To be a vegetable.  I needed to recouperate.  The wounds needed to heal and I needed to find the energy to pick up and create a new life.

Many months later here I am enjoying life again.  I’ve started over.  I’m learning more about who I am everyday.  I miss writing.  I miss connecting with the few bloggy friends I made over the years.

Today is my 38th birthday.  My present to myself is a promise to blog again; to journal this experience.  I want to document what happens, as it’s always helped me to work through things, both good and bad.

My exhusband and I broke up the first time in the summer of 2008.  We split for good in February of 2009.  I am the mother of two wonderful girls, ages 7 and 9.  I enjoy my job, which means it’s not painful for me to get up each morning and head to the office.  What I don’t have right now is a hobby or activity that I really want to dedicate myself to.  As a single mom I have a good chunk of “me time” I can use to find myself while the kids are with their dad.  The time for me is now and I’m not going to waste this opportunity.  I just have to wade through the drama and eliminate it from my life.  Afterall, I didn’t get here without a fair amount of it.  Why do you think I’m full of the crazy?  LOL

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